Your Morning Routine

Your morning routine begins here.

When you create better habits of how to start your day, you are already changing your perception and strengthening your presence.

A clean slate day begins from how you rested and set aside any business from your night before.

Think of this: whatever you are watching or scrolling or focusing on or drinking before you go to sleep is already a part of your morning energy! Yep.

The night before followed by a crazy morning only triggers more stress, depletion, and narrow vision. It’s like sabotaging what a new day truly is: a clean slate, a begin-again, a clear-seeing day.

You are your future you. What you do now takes part in where you are going, how you are feeling, and why you are choosing what you are choosing.

Begin. Again.

There will be bumps. There will be interruptions. There will also be shifts! The more you honor good space, a healthy physical environment, and how you start your day, the sooner you will notice how it feels to take action and enjoy the rewards.

Simple steps to start your day with a good morning routine:

  • Avoid food and snacks up to a few hours before sleep. No electronics or TV one hour before bed. Let’s help your body and brain understand that it’s time to rest. Dim the lights and put your work brain away. Oh, and put your phone away. Did I already say that? Do not place your phone next to your bed, but in another room. You can keep your ringer on, but not in your sleeping space.

  • In the morning, no scrolling and checking into the tunnel of social media. Take a moment to scan your body and notice any checklists starting. Choose your breath, soften your jaw and shoulders, and remind yourself that today is a whole new day.

  • Buy the journal, buy the coffee pot or the tea set or the special morning mug for your hot lemon water. After you wake up, have something to look forward to as a way to place your energy into something loving, nourishing, and connecting. Yes, you might have to wake up a little earlier before everyone else in the house. This is important to have this special time with self uninterrupted.

  • An inspirational message. To self. This will be a message you are subconsciously carrying and energetically sharing. It can be in your journal, it can be written on a sticky note, it can be a little note hidden in your gym bag or briefcase. A note to future self. You are already another step closer to your future you — a happier you, a healthier you.


Your Body Knows